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Would You Eat A Plastic Credit Card For Dinner? Because If You Use Table Salt From Your Local Supermarket, Often That’s EXACTLY What You’re Eating (And Feeding Your Family)


Shocking New National Geographic Study Reports

90% Of The Table Salt In Your Food Is Laced With Tiny Pieces Of Plastic Garbage


Today, Ava Jane’s Kitchen Has A Solution: Read Below To Discover How You Can Grab A FREE Bag Of The Richest… Crunchiest… Best-Tasting Salt In The World


Ocean water (where your table salt is harvested) is filled with tiny, broken down pieces of plastic.

Every year, humans dump 8 million TONS of plastic garbage into the ocean.

Which is unfortunate…

Because that’s exactly where your table salt comes from.

This garbage breaks down into tiny pieces of plastic called microplastics…

And salt from the ocean crystallizes around these microplastics…

Which become the “core” of most salt crystals.

Which means when you sprinkle it on your steak, veggies, or French fries, you are literally eating tiny pieces of plastic bags, water bottles, and other garbage!

According to a study published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry:

“The average adult consumes approximately 2,000 microplastics per year… through salt.”

That’s enough to create an entire credit card.

This “microplastics in your salt” problem has triggered a slew of new studies:


And you know what’s scarier?

Due to ever-increasing pollution rates…

It’s only going to get worse.

Scientists Discovered That 4 Out Of 5 Adults Have These Toxic Microplastics In Their Blood


Scientists tested 22 normal men & women - 17 had toxic microplastics in their blood.

Thanks To Your Table Salt, Plastic Toxins Are Seeping Into Your…


And More…

Hull York Medical School found that these microplastics cause cell death, allergies, and cell wall damage to human tissues.

No wonder so many people in the western world struggle with heart issues, blood pressure, and more!

(In fact, as you’ll see… the whole “salt raises your blood pressure” thing is a BIG misconception - and it’s toxic, chemically processed table salt that’s to blame)

Supermarket “table salt” is in EVERYTHING…



Your french fries


Your bread


Your meat


Your condiments


Your cereal


Your cheeses


Your nuts


Even your yogurt!

Which means…

Your Table Salt Is Poisoning Your Organs, Dripping Toxic Plastic Into Your Veins, And Aging Your Body Faster Than Ever

Today, I’m going to show you how Ava Jane’s Kitchen solved the world’s salt problem…

How you’ve been LIED to about salt being bad for your heart (and the one kind of salt FREE of ocean-borne microplastics that actually supports healthy blood pressure)

And how you can grab a bag of the world’s tastiest, richest gourmet salt for FREE.

That’s me

Hi, my name is John Cawrse (pronounced “coarse”).

I’m the founder of Ava Jane’s Kitchen, a health food company named after my daughter, Ava Jane.

Our mission is to bring the best-tasting foods on planet Earth to kitchens everywhere.

My journey has brought me to amazing places like:

  • Panama where my wife, Amy surfed incredible waves on both sides of the country
  • Beautiful French vineyards sitting on idyllic hillsides
  • Morocco’s beautiful coastline of ocean waves crashing into rolling sand dunes
  • Adventurous safaris in Botswana filled with lions, giraffes, and elephants
  • And more…

When I travel, there’s a part of me that always has my eye out for the most amazing, delicious foods I can bring back and share with the world.

But before it all started, I was just a normal guy with a passion for amazing food.

Just like you, I had no clue this whole “microplastics in your salt” problem existed.

Let me tell you about the lightbulb moment where I KNEW I had to bring the most amazing, delicious salt I’ve ever tasted to kitchens around the world…

And make Ava Jane’s Kitchen a reality.

Ava Jane’s Kitchen - A Story That Began With Family Vacations In A Mexican Paradise Filled With Love, Surfing, And Delicious Food

Ever since my wife Amy and I had our daughter Ava Jane, we loved taking family vacations to the southwest coast of Mexico.


Our favorite spot was Sayulita, a region filled with crystal blue water, incredible culture, and some of the best home-grown food we’ve ever tasted.

As a family, we’d surf, play on the beach, and then gorge ourselves on fresh fish, tacos, and coconuts.

We fell in love with the place.

In 2015, we moved to Sayulita and began raising our daughter Ava Jane there…

In a paradise we now get to call our home.

A Few Years Ago, I Was Standing On The Side Of The Road In Colima, Mexico When The Answer To The World’s Salt Problem Fell Into My Hands

One day, I was taking a leisurely drive when I stopped at a fruit stand.


They were selling fresh-grown pineapples, coconuts, and big bags of salt.

I was never a big salt lover…

But something about this salt caught my eye.

It didn’t look like the powdery salt you find on a supermarket shelf in the United States.

The granules were bigger, whiter, and crunchier…

And the local guy kept waving his hands emphatically, raving about how “muy delicioso” the salt was!

On a whim, I bought a ½ pound bag.

I Took One Taste Of This Rich Mineral Salt And Everything I Thought I Knew About Salt Was Turned On Its Head


This salt tasted AMAZING!!!

I took a pinch… popped it in my mouth…

And from the moment it hit my tongue, my world changed.

The flavor exploded in my mouth.

This salt was moist… crunchy… and had a natural flavor totally different from the powdery chemical taste I was used to from “supermarket salt.”

I had some coconut and some tacos after and somehow, they tasted WAY better.

The salt enhanced the flavors of any food I put it on!

I sat there, stunned… lost in a world of flavor as I enjoyed this incredible, rich salt.

That day, something clicked for me.

A Lightbulb Went Off In My Head - I Knew I Had To Share This Crunchy, Amazing Salt With The World…

And That’s How Ava Jane’s Kitchen Started


I laugh now when I tell the story because it may seem ridiculous that I started a whole food company because of salt…

But once you take a taste, you’ll understand: it’s THAT good.

I quickly moved to make my salt dream a reality.

My vision?

Put this in kitchens around the world and have men & women everywhere enjoy this marvelous salt for themselves.

That was just the beginning.

As I learned more about the harvesting of salt in the region, my mind was blown.

The reason why the salt in this region is the richest and best-tasting salt in the world is because it’s harvested totally differently from every other salt you eat (even pink Himalayan salt and Kosher salt).

Let me explain…

I Was 2 Miles Away From An Ancient Aztec Lagoon Where Local Salt Farmers Harvest One Of The Only Sources of “Freshwater Salt” In The World


The location of one of the world’s only uncontaminated sources of natural salt.

It’s called the Cuyutlán Lagoon…

And it’s located here… just south of Puerto Vallarta on Mexico’s beautiful west coast.

Local “salinero” salt-farmers have been harvesting salt here for centuries.

Local tribes would trade this “royal salt” to the Aztecs…

And it would be revered by both village people and rulers for its incredible taste and health benefits.

To this day, people still find ancient relics in this lake, like you see here:


These are actual Aztec relics found in the lagoon where Ava Jane’s Kitchen salt is harvested.


All this time, my wife, my daughter, and I marveled at the taste of food in this region of Mexico.

When we discovered salt was behind it all…

Suddenly it all made sense!

See, the geography of the Cuyutlán Lagoon is unique.

The salt here was deposited from an ancient sea that dried up millions of years ago…

Before plastic (or humans) ever existed.

The water in the lagoon flows down from pure mountain springs - NOT the ocean.

I didn’t know that would make THAT big of a difference…

Until a team member handed me a piece of paper that knocked my socks off.

Take a look for yourself:


This lagoon is one of the only sources of salt in the world that’s NOT contaminated with ocean plastics.

My team member had rushed a sample of the salt to a nutrition lab back home…

And the salt came back 100% free of ocean-borne microplastics.

In other words, the Cuyutlán Lagoon is one of the only sources of salt that’s free of ocean-borne microplastics in the world!

Stunned, I moved to hit the gas on rushing this salt out the door even faster.

The more I learned…

The more excited I got.

Here’s Why Ava Jane’s Kitchen Salt Tastes Better And Is Far Healthier Than Chemically-Processed “Supermarket Salt”


In the U.S., most of the salt you eat gets spit out of a chemical plant.

These “Big Salt” companies don’t make food…

They make chemicals.

Their other products include cleaning agents and polymers used in industry and agriculture…

And your “table salt” is a byproduct they sell to increase their profit margins.

These “Big Salt” companies manufacture salt by pumping ocean water into a giant metal tank…

And then “cooking” it to super-high temperatures to boil off the water and algae.

The intense heat used in this process separates salt into its molecular parts…

Sodium, a silvery metal…


And chlorine, a poisonous green gas.

When the mixture is cooled, the molecules reform into refined table salt - and the bits of toxic plastic.

Unfortunately, this process also strips the salt of healthy natural minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

Then, they BLEACH the salt, iodize it, and add anti-caking chemicals.

Believe it or not, even pink Himalayan salt and other supposedly “healthy” salts are processed like this to some degree!

96% Of This Refined “Chemical Salt” Goes To Salting Icy Roads, Chemical Labs, And Other Uses…

The Leftover 4% Ends Up On Your Dinner Table

Salt Consumption by end use, US, 2015


Most of the salt hiding in your food was made for icy roads and chemical labs - NOT for eating.


In other words…

The salt you’re sprinkling on your food was NOT made to be eaten.

And this toxic, plastic salt is hiding in your salt shaker, your fries, your cereal… everything!

Ava Jane’s Kitchen’s salt, on the other hand, is harvested through a totally different process.

Ava Jane’s Kitchen Salt Is Hand-Harvested By Local Salt Farmers And Laid Out In The Hot Mexican Sun To Dry…

As A Result, It’s Tastier, Healthier, And
Rich In The Natural Minerals Your Body Needs


In Colima, Mexico…

Salt harvesting is totally different.

Local “salinero” or “salt-farmers” use buckets to collect lagoon water.

They then pour the water out onto "pans" outside, in the sun.

The sun evaporates the water… leaving beautiful, pristine salt.

Once all the water is gone, salineros use brooms to push the salt into big mounds.

Then, they use wheelbarrows to bring them into a facility for packing and shipping.

And that’s it!

There’s no superheating or cooking (which strips the salt of all its natural healthy minerals)…


There are no giant mixing tanks or chemicals added…

There’s just pure mineral salt from good ole Mother Earth.

As a result, Ava Jane’s Kitchen salt is tastier…

Richer in natural minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium…

And it actually supports a healthy heart.

You Can Taste - And SEE - The Difference Between Ava Jane’s Kitchen Salt And Chemically-Refined “Roadside Salt”


Refined table salt is powdery and has a chemical after-taste - Ava Jane’s Kitchen salt is crunchy, rich in minerals, and delicious.


Pour a handful of salt out and you’ll see:

The refined table salt you find at your supermarket is fine-grained - like sand.

It’s stripped of all its natural minerals…

Laced with microplastics…

It leaves a chemical taste in your mouth…

And it’s NOT good for you.

To me, it’s a real no-brainer.

Would you prefer to eat chemically-processed salt spit out of a factory meant for laboratories and icy roads?

Or would you want to enjoy beautiful, rich, natural mineral salt straight from good ole’ Mother Earth?

Give me #2 all the way!

The difference in taste is truly mind-blowing - AND it’s way healthier for you too!

In fact, a recent study out of Boston University School of Medicine recently found something eye-opening:

Most People Believe That
Salt Raises Your Blood Pressure…

Yet Recent Studies Show That’s A HUGE Misconception Caused By Chemically Processed Table Salt!


Ever heard that “sodium” raises your blood pressure?

Surprise, surprise…

That misconception was actually CAUSED by studies done on refined, microplastic-laced “supermarket salt”…

NOT natural mineral salt.

In other words, your table salt is to blame…

And Ava Jane’s Kitchen natural mineral salt is the solution.


Our natural mineral salt is actually good for you.

It’s filled with heart-healthy minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium that your body needs to function properly.

Plus, it’s crunchy…


And delicious!


If you’ve ever tasted home-grown fruits and veggies and compared that to store-bought ones grown on a factory farm…

You know that natural foods BURST with flavor.

Salt is no different.

Just Like A Juicy Home-Grown Tomato, Ava Jane’s Kitchen Colima Sea Salt BURSTS With Flavor


Sprinkle some on a slice of tomato and try it:

The difference is remarkable.

The salt enlarges the taste receptors on your tongue…

Enhancing each flavor and nuance in the food.

Try it on dark chocolate - the chocolate will actually taste sweeter!

Some people even add a dash to espresso to counteract the bitterness.


You can sprinkle our Colima Sea Salt on your steak…

Add a pinch to your omelet…

Toss a dash onto your Kale chips, sweet potato fries, or French onion soup…

And the salt will do what natural salt is supposed to do:

Enhance the rich flavors of your food…

And make the flavors explode in your mouth, WITHOUT giving you blood pressure problems.

Ava Jane’s Kitchen Salt Tastes Amazing, It Enhances The Flavor Of Your Food… AND It’s Actually Good For You!

Just check out what some of our past customers had to say:


Raina Verified Buyer

United States

I Love This Salt

I love this salt and I can use it without guilt. I try to get my household (5 in all) to use this salt for cooking and to satisfy any need for salt. I use it all the time and I love the taste - not too salty like the other stuff. Thank You for a great product. I would recommend this to a friend.


Andrea L. Verified Buyer

United States

I Am Obsessed

Oh my goodness is the Colima Sea Salt AMAZING! I am totally in love with this stuff. I am obsessed with having it on hard boiled eggs for breakfast, watermelon, grilled veggies.


Jennifer Ojeda Verified Buyer

United States

Hands Down The Best On The Market

The Colima Sea Salt is hands down the best on the market. I received my package quickly and couldn’t wait to use it. It just takes very little to flavor a whole dish perfectly. I also use it in spring water 5 days a week for minerals and hydration and even throw a pinch into my Superfood shakes. One of the best things about your product is that I had been getting cramps in my legs at night but after a week of using the salt regularly they literally went away completely.


Linda Santangelo Verified Buyer

United States

Could Never Use Any Other Salt Again

I got my first bag of salt today. This is the salt you crave; you can dip your finger straight into the bag for a fabulous taste of this salty goodness. I could never use any other salt again.


Diane Davis Verified Buyer

United States

This Is The Best Salt I've Ever Had

This is the best salt I’ve ever had. I ran out 2 months ago and bought some bulk salt from a cool place in San Francisco, it was just ok. So glad to have purchased a new batch and enough to give a bag or two away for xmas gifts! It’s really the best, thanks.


Steve McNeal (Demetrius) Verified Buyer

United States

The Crème De La Crème

Used Himalayan for over 10 years thinking it was best, then upgrade to Celtic. Now I’ve got the creme de la creme!!! Thank you so much for this salt!!!


Susan Verified Buyer

United States

Really Love The Flavor

I have been using the sea salt for almost a week and really love the flavor and the fact that it is so much purer than using regular table salt. I did dry some of it in the oven first and then ground it in my grinder to make it easier to sprinkle on prepared foods, but use the coarser salt for cooking. I definitely will continue buying this product.


George P Buffalo Verified Buyer

United States

It Really Enchanced The Taste

As a child I always sprinkled salt on watermelon-sounds strange but it really gives it a very good taste. I tried Colima Salt on my next piece and it really enhanced the taste better than table salt. Good job!


Rob Verified Buyer

United States

I Will Never Go Back To Any Other Kind Of Salt

The colima salt is awesome and I will never go back to any other kind of salt. Thank you so much Amy for all the love and effort you put into the recipes and tips!


The way I see it…

If you’re a health-conscious person you probably insist on organic fruits and veggies and grass-fed meats…

Why not salt?

So many men & women in the western world eat toxic, processed salt without knowing it…

But today, that all changes.

Because I want to send you a bag of all-natural Ava Jane’s Kitchen Colima Sea Salt straight from Mother Earth 100% for FREE.


Ava Jane’s Kitchen

Colima Sea Salt


Enjoy The Richest, Best-Tasting Natural Mineral Salt In The World Today Before It’s All Gone

Discover Below How You Can Get A FREE Bag Today


Ava Jane’s Kitchen is one of the only places where you can get salt that’s free of ocean-borne microplastics in the world.


Thousands of men & women with home kitchens just like you…

Today I want to send you a FREE bag of the tastiest, healthiest salt in the world so you can experience it for yourself.

Be fancy with it!

When you get your bag, take a pinch and sprinkle some on your steaks.

Feel how coarse, moist, and rich it is.

Ava Jane’s Kitchen Salt is naturally antibacterial, so don’t worry if you lose any or get it on your table.


Enjoy the explosion of flavors from each crunchy bite… and repeat with every meal.

And here’s something that’s important to me:

When you’re done, go ahead and lick your fingers. It’s AMAZING.

Would you lick chemical-refined “supermarket salt” off your fingers? No, it’s gross.

But you will with our salt.

Give it a try for a few weeks and see how it goes.

I think you’ll absolutely love it… like so many of our followers do.

Just Check Out How Much Our Customers RAVE About Ava Jane’s Kitchen Salt


Judy Scoggins (Honeys) Verified Buyer

United States

Completely Satisfied

I have used this product for several years and am completely satisfied. Taste, texture, saltiness, color are all great and the company delivers quickly, painlessly and they work with me as my family size varies so the fluctuations are many. If I notify them to hold my shipment or skip a month, they are very courteous about it.


Laura Stout (Stoutlife) Verified Buyer

United States

I Add This Salt To Everything

I have been buying this amazing salt for years now. I do hot yoga daily and I used to get cramps because I was depleting so many minerals. I add this salt to everything and it stopped all cramping. It also tastes incredible on everything. I had someone stay at my house and he said that salt you have is the best I have ever tasted! I recommend it to everyone I know. I love that it is free of [ocean-borne] micro plastics. It truly is the best salt ever!


Eatinrite Verified Buyer

United States

Flavor Comes Alive

I have been using Himalayan salt which is good but I was curious about Colima Salt when it was offered at such a special price. Wow! Was I surprised. The flavor of this salt is incredible. I don’t use a lot of salt on my food and one small pinch of Colima brought out the flavor so vividly that you could say I was sold on it with the very first pinch. Every time I use it on my food that flavor comes alive. I’m also very health conscious so I appreciate all the mineral content of the salt as well. I hope to use this salt on all my cooking from now on.


Jo Ann Belch (country bumpkin) Verified Buyer

United States

It Really Improves The Taste

I use Ava jane’s salt in the water that I use to soak my sunflower and pumpkin seeds before I dehydrate them. It really improves the taste. I also use it in the water that I use to soak my potatoes to get rid of the phylates. It keeps the potatoes from turning dark, also. I also use Ava Janes avocado oil. It makes wonderful popcorn among other things.


Katie D. Verified Buyer

United States

Carry It With Me

I’ve used the Colima Sea Salt and have used it for about 4 years now. I have resorted to carrying it with me when I go places & give it as gifts to fellow foodies.


JmeC Verified Buyer

United States

The Flavor Is Distinct And Pleasing

One taste on the tongue and it’s easy to understand what separates this salt from the rest. The flavor is distinct and pleasing. This will be in my cooking arsenal for years to come. Salt is Life!

Our Colima Sea Salt Can Only Be Harvested 16 Weeks Out Of The Year During Mexico’s Dry Season

We Recommend You Grab Your Bags Fast Because There Is A Limited Amount And We ALWAYS Sell Out


As amazing as our salt is…

There’s one BIG problem.

In Colima, Mexico, there’s a wet season and a dry season.

If it rains, the hard work of the salt farmers would go to waste...

Which means Colima Sea Salt can only be harvested during the dry season…

Which is just 16 weeks out of the year.

This is a REAL limitation to how many bags of Colima Sea Salt we can ship…

And depending on when you see this page, we may be running low on supply.


That’s why we recommend you grab your bags fast…

And we recommend stocking up on enough bags to last you the whole year (until the next harvest comes around).

If you’re on this page right now and the big colorful buttons are still at the bottom of this page…

You’re in luck!

We still have bags left for you.

I Recommend Stocking Up On 6 Bags Of Colima Sea Salt To Last You Through The Year (We’ll Send You An EXTRA Bag As A FREE Bonus!)


Or you can grab 3 bags, which should still cover you for a few months.

Or… if you’re not totally sure yet, feel free to grab a FREE bag to try it out

I do recommend stocking up so you can avoid any “out of stock” situations because the supply chain IS an issue right now…


So we have no clue if and when we’ll be able to re-stock once this season’s harvest runs out.

Considering that thousands of people are seeing this page right now and our bags of salt always sell out, I wouldn’t wait any longer.

Go ahead and click the button below that works for you…

And grab 6 bags of Colima Sea Salt (or however many bags you prefer) to taste the magic today!


First Bag



Most Popular

1 FREE + 3 Bags


Salt Lovers

1 FREE + 6 Bags


Every Bag Of Colima Sea Salt Is Covered By A 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee


Quite simply, try out our Colima Sea Salt for 30 days.

Taste it… cook with it… and try it in different recipes…

If you don’t totally fall in love with it…

Just send us an email at in the next 30 days to receive a refund.

Why are we willing to do this?

Because we believe that once you taste the amazing flavor of our Colima Sea Salt…

You’ll never want to go back to the plain powdery supermarket salt… or even other premium salts.

You really don’t have anything to lose.

So go ahead and order Colima Sea Salt today.

This guarantee is valid for 30 days after you receive the product.

Remember: we have a limited supply of Colima Sea Salt because the harvest season is just 16 weeks out of the year…

And our bags of salt always sell out.

So I recommend grabbing 3 or 6 bags to stock up.

So click the button below that works best for you and start enjoying Colima Sea Salt today!


First Bag



Most Popular

1 FREE + 3 Bags


Salt Lovers

1 FREE + 6 Bags


Thanks for reading.

Click one of the buttons above to grab your salt today…

And here’s to healthy eating, my friend!

- John Cawrse

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is your salt harvested?
    Our salt is not made from ocean water like many other sea salts. It is made from rain water that has percolated down through an ancient dry salt lagoon, dissolving minerals along the way. Then, we pump the saline water to the surface to be evaporated in the hot sun.
  • What is the difference between refined table salt and your unrefined sea salt?
    There is a huge difference between table salt and unrefined salt. Table salt has been broken down with heat and then put back together, minus any minerals. This is so the salt company can sell it to chemical companies for the production of plastic and other chemicals. It's 99.7% NaCl in that form. Then, they add some anti-caking agents and send it to your grocery store shelf.
  • Is this a subscription?
    No, it is not. While I offer other products as subscriptions like my Avocado Oil and Spice Blends, this salt offer is not a subscription. There are no surprise charges or future orders. You will have an opportunity to purchase more salt at a discount after the sale.
  • How is your salt different from Himalayan Salt?
    Himalayan sea salt comes from the Khewra salt mine in Pakistan. It comes out as a rock, hard and dry. For this reason, it must be ground very fine otherwise it’s like eating a rock. Our salt is moist and soft. It can be ground between your fingers and gives a satisfying crunch and an explosion of flavor to your food.
  • Your salt seems expensive.
    Salt has historically been the most valuable commodity in the world, so considering you're getting a product from thousands of miles away produced naturally by hand, the price isn't really as expensive as it seems.
  • Is it really FREE?
    Yes, I want you to try my salt and taste the difference. That's why I offer your first bag for FREE with a small shipping fee. I know that if you love it, you'll be a lifelong customer. Go ahead and click the button below to grab your bags of Colima Sea Salt today!
  • If I have high blood pressure or a heart condition, can I still eat your salt?
    Yes. Most people believe that sodium raises your blood pressure. However, recent studies show that this belief only applies to chemically processed, microplastic laced table salt. Natural, unprocessed salt is filled with minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium that are actually GOOD for your heart.1

    As always, you should consult with your doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner before making any significant diet or lifestyle changes.
  • Does your salt really not have microplastics in it?
    Yes. Our salt is harvested from lagoon water - not the ocean. We’ve sent our salt to nutrition labs and the tests show it to be completely free of all ocean-borne microplastics. Eat it without worry!
  • How soon will I get my salt?
    Once you place your order, you should receive the package between 5 and 10 business days.
  • How long does the salt last?
    Ava Jane’s Kitchen Colima Sea Salt doesn’t expire - it’ll last until you eat it! That’s why we encourage you to grab multiple bags. You save money, stock up in case next harvest season is a bust, and you get to sprinkle it on your food liberally! Click the button below that works for you to place your order today.

First Bag



Most Popular

1 FREE + 3 Bags


Salt Lovers

1 FREE + 6 Bags
