But That's Not the Worst News...
"Wow. I hadn't expected to be able to discern a difference. I can't stand the taste of salt as-is (makes me pull the "eww" face) but your salt, I could lick off my finger with raised eyebrows and a head nod. It tastes so naturally real - like it comes from the earth and not off a Canadian sidewalk in winter. Thanks!"
100% All-Natural, Unrefined, Handmade,
Hand-Harvested Sea Salt
John Cawrse
FounderIf you cook with salt (or use salt in any way), there's a 90% chance you may have fed your family -- and yourself -- plastic.
Recently, National Geographic reported on a shocking, new scientific study done by Greenpeace.
They tested 39 brands of salts from 16 different countries. This included sea salt, rock salts and lake salt.
They discovered there were as much as 1,679 "microplastics" in each kilogram of salt.
Now - before you decide to throw away the salt in your house and give up salt for good...
It's important you get the facts!
Why your body actually needs salt... but you must get the right kind of salt...
How iodized, kosher and commercial sea salt is actually bad for you...
And... one salt that's actually GOOD for your heart! (I couldn't believe it at first either!)...
But first, let's get back to the topic at hand:
You're probably wondering... what exactly are "microplastics"... and if they're bad for you.
Well, microplastics are small pieces of plastic (less than 5mm in diameter). They are fragments and fibers that have broken down from plastic garbage we've dumped into the oceans.
They can be residues from cosmetics, detergent or packaging.
They can be from clothing, even.
These microplastics end up in our lakes, oceans and landfills.
And because we harvest salt from oceans and lakes... we now have microplastics in our salt.
The study -- which was published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry -- "estimates that the average adult consumes approximately 2,000 microplastics per year... [just] through salt"... alone!
Marine animals also eat these plastics, and if we eat seafood... we could be ingesting even more microplastics.
That's a good question.
So far, we don't know what effects it has on humans.
A Harvard study on mice has found that microplastics accumulate in the liver, kidneys and intestines and causes stress for those organs.
Higher levels can be toxic to the brain.
Two other studies have found that these microplastics can sneak into the bloodstream and affect other organs of your body.
But listen - you don't have to wait for conclusive studies!
The dangers of ingesting any plastic has been known for a while now.
Both the Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have reported on phthalates.
"Phthalates" is a chemical compound added to most plastics to make it more flexible.
Because they're not "bound" to the plastic, phthalates break off...
In a plastic bottle, phthalates gets into the liquid.
When you wash off your makeup, it gets into our water system.
When we throw away anything plastic, it ends up in our ocean.
Several government agencies have studied phthalates.
They've found that it can affect your endocrine system... leading to cancer.
It can disrupt your hormones... and affect your reproductive system... especially in young children.
Now, this sounds pretty scary.
So in a moment...
I'll share with you a salt that has been scientifically tested in an university lab to be 100% clean of microplastics
In fact, it has 80 essential minerals and it's actually good for your heart!
It's called Colima Sea Salt™.
And believe me...
I was skeptical too....
at first.
It didn't help that it was the most delicious, delightful salt I've ever tasted.
Coarse, crunchy and moist at the same time.
When you eat it, it pops. It has bite, but doesn't linger. It doesn't overstay its welcome.
And all it takes is one pinch. A few grains. Five or six at most
In short, it was like no other salt I've ever had in my entire life...
OK, I'm getting ahead of myself here.
NY Times Best Selling
"The Virgin Diet"Creator of New Life Promise
and Beyond Diet
The Town of Sayulita
And My Surfing Addiction
(pronounced “coarse” like “coarse sea salt”).
(pronounced “coarse” like “coarse sea salt”).
For the longest time, my wife, daughter and I have vacationed in the small town of Sayulita -- on the Pacific coast of Mexico. It has a small population of 2,500 or so residents, many, American expats.
So it has a small community, family-oriented feel. But the real reason we came down every winter were the two surf breaks right in town. Everyone surfs around here... whether you’re six or sixty.
There's also a beginner's sandbar that makes gentle waves. Not too big, not too crowded. It's perfect for kids just starting to learn.
I love surfing... as you can tell.
And one of the reasons why I love surfing is... the waves are real.
t’s not theory. It’s not some concept. It’s not abstract.
You can’t control the waves. You can’t make the waves happen. The wave is what it is and you must ride it , you can’t pretend that it is something else.
That sounds deep and philosophical, I know.
But while out on the ocean the other morning, I was thinking about these things... thinking about the “scientific research” on salt.
I am sure you have read plenty of articles on how a high salt diet is bad for you.
Here is the other side of that coin...
The worst part is -- some of them have caught on to America’s “health craze” and now put the “sea salt” label on their boxes.
But it’s all just a marketing ploy. Commercial “sea salt” may come from the sea… the question is -- has it been refined?
Now, you may also be wondering -- what’s wrong with “99.7% purity”? Isn’t that good?
That’s something else I discovered.
When you strip salt of its minerals... and you eat it, your body doesn’t “get it”. Trace minerals interact with one another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances. Too much of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency of another.
Your body doesn’t know how to use it properly.
Now, when I heard about "microplastics" in 90% of the world's tabletop salt...
I got a little freaked out too.
So I had our salt tested by an American laboratory, here's the certificate:
As you can see, I'm happy to report that our salt has 0% microplastics.
What's more --
I found that it's free of cadmium, arsenic and mercury as well.
And the best part, which came as a surprise to me...
We also found that our salt is rich in magnesium... A mineral that two-thirds of Americans are deficient in....
Which is extremely dangerous since magnesium is NECESSARY for keeping blood pressure normal, bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady!
So as you can imagine... these scientifically proven findings was very exciting for me
After my visit to the Cuyutlán Lagoon saltpans, I wasn’t just sold on Colima Sea Salt. I was sold on the salineros, what they were doing and how they were doing it.
And it also became clear to me, great salt is hard to come by in the U.S. Most of them are found in gourmet stores. Overpriced. And frankly, hard-to-find in most parts.
I was having dinner with my friend Geordie and his family one night. He was another expat, but he had moved down to Sayulita four years before me.
When I brought up the idea to import Colima Sea Salt™ directly to American homes, he loved the idea. We decided to go into business that night.
That’s how the “Salt Revolution” began. Over a dinner of good salsa, good cerveza and of course, good salt. That evolved into today's "Ava Jane's Kitchen".
And now, I’d like to share my very first product with you. As you can easily guess, it’s Colima Sea Salt™.
As you read this, we’re shipping out our latest harvest.
And as such, we want you to have the best possible price. So right now, our 1/2 lb. bag of Colima Sea Salt™ is just $25.
Wait, that's not good enough. Order today and I'll give you a 1/2 pound bag for just a PENNY, just 1¢ plus shipping and handling.
Why am I giving away my salt, what's the catch?
The answer is easy. I have other great products that I know you will love (avocado oil, spice blends) but I want to earn your trust first. No sneaky subscriptions, no hidden fees.
Just 1¢. That's it!
Colima Sea Salt™ is more powerful in flavor than your typical table salt.
Where recipes are calling for a full teaspoon of salt... you will only need a few pinches of Colima Sea Salt™.
So if you did the math, Colima Sea Salt™ is actually not that much more than iodized table salt.
A pinch is all it takes. And a pinch won’t cost more than a few pennies.
Of course -- your satisfaction is my highest priority.
That’s why, you’ll be getting...
Quite simply, try out our Colima Sea Salt for 30 days. Taste it… cook with it… and try it in different recipes… If you don’t totally fall in love with it…
Just send us an email at info@avajaneskitchen.com in the next 30 days to receive a refund.
Why are we willing to do this? Because we believe that once you taste the amazing flavor of our Colima Sea Salt… You’ll never want to go back to the plain powdery supermarket salt… or even other premium salts. You really don’t have anything to lose. So go ahead and order Colima Sea Salt today. This guarantee is valid for 30 days after you receive the product.
We know that if you love Colima Sea Salt™, you’ll order it again.
Fall In Love With This Salt Or Get Your Money Back
As I had mentioned, there’s only a limited supply each year. The migrant salineros work hard between February and late May... sometimes stretching into early June if we’re lucky with the weather.
That’s a total of sixteen weeks. In May, the rains fall or the winds are too strong. In other words, it’s near impossible to make salt.
Colima Sea Salt™ is made with loving care during this brief season.
So there’s only a limited supply each year and it always sells out.
We have recently received another batch, and would like to ensure your name is on one (or a few) bags before we run out.
Yours healthfully,
John Cawrse, founder of Ava Jane's Kitchen
P.S. I never quite finished my Sayulita story. You see, a few months back, my wife and I decided to go “all in” and move to this lovely town.
What finally made us do it is the Costa Verde International School, a non-profit school that expat parents started here.
The student body is an even 50/50 mix of International expat and local Mexican children. We provide scholarships to some of the locals and give their children new opportunities.
It’s great. The classroom size is no more than 18 kids per class. It goes up to grade 9, and we’ve attracted some amazing teachers and students.
The reason I bring this up is to let you know that a percentage of each bag of Colima Sea Salt™ goes straight into the Costa Verde scholarship fund.
Personally, I think this salt should win a Nobel peace prize for all the good it does.
Just try one bag. You’ll love it...
When I first heard about this salt, I was a bit skeptical. Being a big foodie and having a mother who writes cookbooks for a living, I thought I knew everything there was about sea salt. When I got my first bag, I was SHOCKED at how good it was. So much so that I threw out all the other sea salt we had and refused to use anything else. Last week, I started to panic when I realized we were down to a few spoonfuls. Just received my second order. This stuff is amazing! Thank you guys!
"As the owner of an organic food business I really appreciate what these guys are doing. Where our food comes from matters - a lot. And these guys get that. The quality is 2nd to none."
Thank you all for doing what you do. I am on my second bag of this fine, magnificent sea salt! I actually purchased a second bag before I had finished the first one! I cannot express the satisfaction this salt product brings to my fiancé and I's dinners each night. It has brilliant flavor that immediately captivates your senses. Its robust flavor leaves no doubt as to the the superiority of this product versus the rest. And after checking out the production process of this salt I became even more proud to support its origins and more appreciative of every splendid grain of Colima Sea Salt I have purchased. My many thanks to you all!
Received my order of salt last week and I have to say its amazing. It tastes so different from the sea salt you purchase at the market. And like you mentioned you don't have to use as much. I'm a big fan! Thank you.
Wow. I hadn't expected to be able to discern a difference. I can't stand the taste of salt as-is (makes me pull the "eww" face) but your salt, I could lick off my finger with rasied eyebrows and a head nod. It tastes so naturally real - like it comes from the earth and not off a canadian sidewalk in winter. Thanks!"
"having been a long-time user of the Celtic Sea Salt brand, ..I'm a convert! I fiond it to have a better taste and a softer texture. And knowing that its locally harvested and helps the local community insted of a big corporation is a plus."
"I am extremely fussy about food. I have tried many salts. Yours is UNBELIEVABLE. My husband and I had grass fed burgers for dinner last night with your salt. AMAZING! Thank you for making this salt available."
"Typically I use the Himalayan variety so at first I was a bit skeptical. But, this stuff rocks! No pun intended. it's got a smooth yet complex taste and the size and texture is perfect for both direct consumption, cooking or finishing."
"The Colima Sea Salt has a very nice/rich flavor that compliments our meals without the need for added sauces, ...I appreciate the quality of the product and the level of service. We will order again."
+ S/H
First Bag
Just a Penny
Most Popular
1 for 1¢ + 3 Bags
Salt Lovers
1 for 1¢ + 6 Bags
This introductory offer is for new customers and is available for a limited time. I now have salt in stock. My salt is harvested just 16 weeks a year. Supplies are limited. Offer only available in the U.S.
Order yours today.FREE S/H
Salt Lovers
1 for 1¢ + 6 Bags
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1 for 1¢ + 3 Bags
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100% RISK FREE | ![]() |
1 BAG FOR 1¢ | ![]() |
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+ S/H
First Bag
Just a Penny
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FREE BONUS | ![]() |
100% RISK FREE | ![]() |
1 BAG FOR 1¢ | ![]() |
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This introductory offer is for new customers and is available for a limited time. I now have salt in stock. My salt is harvested just 16 weeks a year. Supplies are limited. Offer only available in the U.S.
Order yours today.Our salt is not made from ocean water like many other sea salts. It is made from rain water that has percolated down through an ancient dry salt lagoon, dissolving minerals along the way. Then, we pump the saline water to the surface to be evaporated in the hot sun.
There is a huge difference between table salt and unrefined salt. Table salt has been broken down with heat and then put back together, minus any minerals. This is so the salt company can sell it to chemical companies for the production of plastic and other chemicals. It's 99.7% NaCl in that form. Then, they add some anti-caking agents and send it to your grocery store shelf.
No, it is not. While I offer other products as subscriptions like my Avocado Oil and Spice Blends, this salt offer is not a subscription. There are no surprise charges or future orders. You will have an opportunity to purchase more salt at a discount after the sale.
Himalayan sea salt comes from the Khewra salt mine in Pakistan. It comes out as a rock, hard and dry. For this reason, it must be ground very fine otherwise it’s like eating a rock. Our salt is moist and soft. It can be ground between your fingers and gives a satisfying crunch and an explosion of flavor to your food.
Salt has historically been the most valuable commodity in the world, so considering you're getting a product from thousands of miles away produced naturally by hand, the price isnt really as expensive as it seems.
Yes, I want you to try my salt and taste the difference. That's why I offer your first bag for just a penny. I know that if you love it, you'll be a lifelong customer.